NEXLOO Privacy Policies

### NEXLOO Privacy Policies We, at EVOLVY COMUNICAÇÃO OMNICHANNEL LTDA (referred to as “Nexloo” or “we”), CNPJ – 48.595.294/0001-78, are committed to safeguarding your privacy. The purpose of this document is to clarify which information is collected from users of our website – and respective services – (“You”) and how these data are handled and used. To offer our services, Nexloo, through its website, the equipment where it is installed or being used, and the devices synchronized with it, collects various data and information, primarily to provide you with an ever-improving experience. Nexloo recognizes that your privacy is very important, so we take all possible measures to protect it. In this regard, this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) aims to inform you how your information and data will be collected, used, shared, and stored through our websites and respective services. This document has been drafted in a simple and accessible manner so that you can read and understand how we use your data to offer you a secure and comfortable experience when using the services we offer you. This Policy is divided into the following sections to facilitate your understanding: 1. About data collection; 2. About the use of your personal data; 3. About access to your personal data; 4. About data sharing; 5. About the use of information provided to our clients; 6. About subscription cancellation and modification/deletion of personal information; 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy; 8. Applicable Law. Any questions regarding our privacy policy can be clarified by contacting us. Send an email to: [email protected] We are located at Rua Gutemberg 345, Batel, Curitiba, PR, ZIP Code 80.420-030. #### 1. About Data Collection Information provided by you – We collect personally identifiable information – such as name, phone number, email, the company you work for, and job title – through form submissions to download our free content. Occasionally, some information may be requested through direct contact from Nexloo with users via email or phone. Browsing information on the site – When you visit our site, a ‘cookie’ is inserted into your browser through the Google Analytics software, to identify how many times you return to our address. Information such as IP address, geographic location, referral source, browser type, duration of visit, and pages visited are collected. Contact history – Here at Nexloo we store information about all contacts already made with our users, such as content downloaded from our pages and interactions via email. Data generated while using our services – If you use any of our services, we will also collect other information. In this case, we will collect contact data such as your name, email, and phone number, location data such as the country, city, and state from where the access is occurring, professional profile data, including job title, name and segment of the company you work for, the number of employees in that company, academic background, years of experience, and your monthly marketing budget. #### 2. About the Use of Your Personal Data All the data we collect are used to provide our services, and it is worth noting that we highly value your privacy. Therefore, all data and information about you are treated as confidential, and we will only use them for the purposes described here and authorized by you, mainly so that you can fully use our services, always aiming to improve your user experience. Thus, we can customize the service to better suit your tastes and interests. Additionally, your data may also be used to create new services, products, and functionalities. To provide our services, we will cross-reference the data we collect with others we have about the same data subject in our databases, including the data of visitors to the sites you register on our platforms. In particular, we will use the data to monitor the actions of visitors to the pages you register, to create profiles of these people based on their behavior data, to verify their interests, to classify and qualify these people according to this profile, and to create dynamic lists of these people for executing targeted marketing actions, which are carried out automatically according to the classification of your site visitors. Occasionally, we may use data for purposes not provided for in this privacy policy, but these will be within your legitimate expectations. Any use of your data for purposes that do not meet this prerogative will be done with your prior authorization. In addition to the above, we will use your data for the following purposes: – Your email is used for sending the material or information you requested by filling out the form. It may also be used to send Newsletters, always related to the theme of Digital Marketing. The email will also be used to communicate the launch of new free materials or new products from Nexloo and partners. However, the user can cancel the subscription at any time; – Download data may be disclosed as research and statistics, with no personal information being openly revealed unless explicitly authorized; – Nexloo employees may occasionally contact you via email or phone to conduct surveys or present products and services; – Send you messages about support or service, such as alerts, notifications, and updates; – Communicate with you about products, services, promotions, news, updates, events, and other subjects you may be interested in; – Perform targeted advertising according to your tastes, interests, and other collected information; – Customize the service to better suit your tastes and interests; – For any purpose you authorize at the time of data collection; – Comply with legal obligations. Nexloo reserves the right to monitor the entire platform, mainly to ensure that the rules described in our Terms of Use are being observed, or if there is no violation or abuse of applicable laws. Therefore, Nexloo reserves the right to exclude a particular user, regardless of the type, if the present Policy is not respected. #### 3. About Access to Your Personal Data Only Nexloo employees, and among these, only those with the proper authorizations, can see your personal information. Occasionally, if the insertion of your information occurs in actions created in partnerships, the explicitly identified partners will also have access to the information. No personal data may be publicly disclosed. All your data is confidential and any use of it will be in accordance with this Policy. Nexloo will make all reasonable market efforts to ensure the security of our systems and your data. Our servers are located in different locations worldwide to ensure their stability and security and can only be accessed through previously authorized communication channels. Whenever possible, all your information will be encrypted if it does not make its use by Nexloo impossible. You can request a copy of your data stored in our systems at any time. We will keep the data and information only as long as they are necessary or relevant for the purposes described in this Policy, or in the case of periods pre-determined by law, or as long as necessary to maintain the legitimate interests of Nexloo. #### 4. About Data Sharing By clicking on the content sharing buttons on social networks available on our pages, the user will be publishing the content through their profile on the selected network. Nexloo does not have access to the login and password of users on these networks, nor will it publish content on behalf of the user without the user performing this action. The same applies to obtaining educational materials through the “Social Payment” option. As a technology company, Nexloo may operate in conjunction with other companies in a wide range of activities, including providing location features, data traffic, and performance analysis. Thus, we reserve the right to share your information, including location data, registration, and interests, with our partners and service providers, whenever possible, anonymously, to preserve your privacy. Through this document, you expressly authorize such sharing. Nexloo is not responsible for the acts, advertisements, and content generated by our commercial partners and advertising networks, and this Policy does not apply to them, as Nexloo does not control them. All data, information, and content about you may be considered assets in the case of negotiations in which Nexloo is involved. Therefore, we reserve the right to include your data among the company’s assets if it is sold, acquired, or merged with another. Through this Policy, you agree and are aware of this possibility. Nexloo reserves the right to provide your data and information about you, including your interactions, if required by law, necessary for the company to comply with national laws, or if you expressly authorize it. #### 5. About the Use of Information Provided to Our Clients Nexloo provides its clients, through its services, the management of personal information of users with whom its clients maintain a relationship. To better inform yourself about your responsibility for the data you collect, we recommend reading the service agreement we have with you for the use of our systems. #### 6. About Subscription Cancellation and Modification/Deletion of Personal Information You can opt-out of receiving any type of email from Nexloo. In all emails we send, there is always a link to unsubscribe available in the last lines. By clicking on this link, you will be automatically unsubscribed from the list. It is important to mention that by filling out any form again, your email will be reinserted into the list. Therefore, the cancellation request must be made again if it is in your interest. All collected data will be deleted from our servers when you request it or when they are no longer necessary or relevant to offer our services to you, unless there is any other reason for their maintenance, such as a legal obligation to retain data or the need to preserve them for Nexloo’s rights. To modify your personal information or delete it from our database, simply send an email to [email protected]. #### 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy may be updated. Therefore, we recommend periodically visiting this page to be aware of the modifications. If significant changes require new authorizations from you, we will publish a new privacy policy. Before using information for purposes other than those defined in this Privacy Policy, we will request your authorization. #### 8. Applicable Law This document is governed and must be interpreted according to the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The Court of Curitiba, Paraná, is elected as the competent jurisdiction to settle any issues arising from this document, with an express waiver of any other, no matter how privileged it may be.
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